Solidification: computer simulation, experiments and technology, 6-9 April, 2022, Izhevsk, Russia

Special issues published in the topic of the conference

The proceedings of the selected talks of the conference after a peer-review had been published in a special issue:



Conference Abstracts


The conference abstracts of all presented talks and posters are published in the Abstracts Book by the publishing unit of Udmurt State University. Publication costs was included in the Registration Fee.

You can find full electronic version of abstracts PDF on the Conference Results page.

Deadline for abstract submission:

17 March, 2022

Guide for Authors

To proceed your publication you should send completed abstract in 2-3 pages by The conference abstracts could be prepared in English or Russian, the Word template can be downloaded here.


Udmurt State University
Materials Physics and Chemistry Lab

Address: 426034 Izhevsk, Russia,
ul. Universitetskaya 1, block 4
Phone: +7 3412 916241
Mobile: +7 952 4O746O4
Coordinator: Anastasiya Solomennikova

Fast Phase Transitions :: Local-Nonequilibrium Solidification Model (LNSM) Научная группа Физико-химия фазовых переходов ООО Эковектор - Лазерные технологии ФГБОУ ВО Удмуртский государственный университет НПО МКМ - Разработка и внедрение ПО для литейщиков
made by V. Ankudinov
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